One of the best days of the year for any cocktail aficionado, the 13th May is World Cocktail Day and we are celebrating in true Bond style with the Casino Royale inspired Vespa Martini.

World Cocktail Day

Described in the 1953 book and 2006 movie written by Ian Fleming as ‘Three measures, of Gordon’s, one of Vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet, shake it over ice and add a thin slice of lemon peel’, the Vespa Martini has become an iconic mix and a big hit… particularly in alcohol!

Saffrons Restaurant mixologist Catalin offers his recommended method for making the perfect Vespa Martini, plus a few other favourites for celebrating World Cocktail Day.




50ml of Tanqueray
25ml of Smirnoff Blue
15ml of Lillet Blanc
Lemon zest


Pour Tanqueray, Smirnoff Blue and Lillet Blanc into a mixer and shake well. Finely strain into a chilled Martini glass and add a twist of lemon zest.


Passoa Martini Cocktail


50ml of Smirnoff Blue
10ml of Vanilla Syrup
15ml of Passoa Liqueur
Demerara Sugar
Passion Fruit slice
Shot of chilled Champagne


Shake all ingredients except the Champagne over ice, finely strain into a chilled martini glass, and serve with Champagne on the side and instruct the drinker to sip alternately from each glass.


Bramble Cocktail


50ml of Tanqueray
25ml of Lemon Juice
15ml of Sugar Syrup
10ml of Chambord


Add gin, lemon juice and sugar syrup into a rocks glass and mix well. Fill the glass with crushed ice and gently stir. Top up to the brim with crushed ice and drizzle with Chambord. Garnish with a wedge of lemon and a couple of blackberries.